Real-time stream monitoring

We use a simple, visually appealing and effective platform that allows you to interpret immediate data, respond instantly to sentiment regarding your business, or gauge level of influence, truly giving you the edge in not only getting the conversation started, but also in helping to control it all while helping to educate others about your product or brand.


Geographic mapping features will allow you to discover the leading content producers in a given area. Thinking of expanding into a new market? Get a glimpse of exactly what those in the market are looking for ahead of any physical expansion. Also, different marketing campaigns can have different success rates in different areas, all of which is easily monitored with the map feature.

Word Burst

Much like the ability to view a conversation through the word cloud, our Word Burst feature allows a more visual representation of key words and conversation topics, with more ability to filter and control what you want to appear to interested parties who may not be receiving the message you are trying to deliver with your original intent. Just another extra measure that will help you get the most out of your content and our data.


Put simply, we combine the ability to generate more usable metrics and utilize more methods of interpreting that data with your industry knowledge and our digital marketing skills to make your company an online powerhouse. The depth of the data is above and beyond that of any other system, and combined with the ease of consolidating everything in one place and simple report generation, we’re simply built stronger to be the foundation of that powerhouse.

Live Feed

Ever wonder who the top influencers in your field are? How about being able to see what your competition is involved in?  What about the ability to respond to them both in real time? The Live Feed feature allows you to not only monitor competitors and influencers, but you can filter through all the content, allowing you to focus on what’s important now, and not be stuck trying to second guess everything after the moment has already passed.

Word Cloud

Your brand is unique to you, but how do other people see it? What words do they use to describe it? What language do they use to express what they are looking for? How does vernacular play a role in your industry? By selecting a broad range of terms, we create a word cloud to help you better understand the conversation. Some things you may expect, while others will be a surprise, but regardless, you’ll have the tool to identify the trends and continue to stay ahead of the curve in managing what matters to you.

Compare Analysis Dashboard

There’s no doubt that your business has competition, and part of excelling is knowing what your competitors are doing and being prepared to counter. Our Compare Analysis Dashboard allows you to track all their moves, including any responses they have to your own projects. By using your competition’s data, you are gaining even more influencers within your industry to help you capitalize.


Report generation is a key feature with data analytics. Simple volume and sentiment analyses are a huge tool in helping to view actual proof as to what is driving your brand. Combined with tools like Benchmarks, ROI, Impressions and Interactions, it will give you a fresh edge in what the conversation consists of, how it involves your brand, and provide the spark of creativity to help push your business to where you want it to go.